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5 Tips to Boost Your Teacher Resume with Non-Traditional Experience

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

A well-rounded teacher resume might make all the difference in today's competitive job market. One method to distinguish yourself from the throng is to include non-traditional experiences that demonstrate your commitment to education. In this blog post, we'll go through how to include volunteer and extracurricular activities on your teacher resume to demonstrate your dedication to the profession and help you land your dream teaching position.

Choose relevant experiences: Begin by finding volunteer and extracurricular activities that are directly related to education or indicate your enthusiasm for teaching. Tutoring, coaching a sports team, mentoring, or arranging educational events are all possibilities.

Make a dedicated section: If you have multiple non-traditional experiences to add on your resume, try making a distinct section. Name it "Volunteer Work" or "Extracurricular Activities" to distinguish these experiences from your professional work history.

Please be specific: For each non-traditional experience, describe the organisation, job, and time commitment. List the dates you participated, any notable accomplishments, and the skills you learned while participating.

Quantify your impact: Quantify the impact of your non-traditional experiences wherever feasible. Include the number of kids you tutored, the proportion of pupils who improved their grades, or the amount of money raised for a school event, for example.

Highlight transferable talents: Highlight the transferable abilities you gained from your nontraditional experiences, such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving. These abilities can be extremely beneficial in a teaching position.

If you have few non-traditional experiences, consider incorporating them into other sections of your resume, such as your professional description or job experience. This might aid in the development of an unified narrative that demonstrates your commitment to education. Let's explore different ways to enhance your teacher resume with non-traditional experience.

Volunteer Work

Volunteering is an excellent way to gain experience and show your dedication to education. There are countless opportunities available, such as tutoring underprivileged students, assisting in after-school programs, or even teaching English abroad. Not only will you be making a positive impact on the community, but you'll also gain valuable skills and insights that can be applied in the classroom.

Online Courses and Certifications

Continuing education is vital for teachers, and online courses provide a flexible way to expand your knowledge and skill set. Websites like Coursera and edX offer a plethora of options, ranging from subject-specific courses to professional development programs. Additionally, obtaining certifications, such as Google for Education or Apple Teacher, can demonstrate your commitment to leveraging technology in the classroom.

Workshops and Conferences

Attending workshops and conferences is another great way to learn from experienced educators and stay current with the latest educational trends. Whether you attend a local event or travel to a national conference, the networking opportunities and professional development sessions can enrich your teaching practice and boost your resume. Don't forget to mention your participation in these events on your resume and provide a brief summary of what you learned.

Educational Blogging or Podcasting

Creating an educational blog or podcast is a unique way to demonstrate your passion for teaching and share your expertise with others. Choose a topic you're passionate about, such as classroom management, lesson planning, or technology integration, and create regular content. This can be an excellent way to showcase your writing, communication, and presentation skills, as well as your commitment to staying current in your field.

Extracurricular Activities

Leading or participating in extracurricular activities can showcase your dedication to student development beyond the classroom. Consider coaching a sports team, advising a club, or organizing a school event. These experiences show that you're invested in your students' success and can create a well-rounded educational experience.

Research and Publications

Conducting research and publishing articles can help you stay current in your field and establish yourself as a knowledgeable educator. Collaborate with colleagues or pursue independent research projects, then share your findings by presenting at conferences or submitting articles to education journals. This demonstrates your commitment to improving educational practices and can make you a more attractive candidate to prospective employers.

Make your non-traditional experiences relevant to the job posting: Make sure your non-traditional experiences are relevant to the job posting's precise qualifications and preferences. This will exhibit your attention to detail and comprehension of the employer's requirements.

You may effectively highlight your passion to education and stand out from other applicants by including non-traditional experiences into your teacher resume. Employers reward applicants who display a real enthusiasm for teaching as well as a dedication to personal development. Start emphasising your voluntary and extracurricular activities immediately, and watch your teaching career take off.


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