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The Art of the Pause: Brain Breaks - An Essential Ingredient to a Teacher's Recipe for Success

Imagine that you are a skilled conductor standing in front of a magnificent orchestra. Every instrument is tuned to perfection, and each musician anxiously awaits your cue. This orchestra is your mind, a magnificent symphony of ideas, thoughts, and emotions. You constantly compose new melodies of knowledge and comprehension for your students as a teacher. Occasionally, however, the music begins to loose its rhythm and its charm. In these instances, you realise that your orchestra requires a breather, halt, or "brain break."

Why You Should Enjoy the Quiet: The Symphony of Brain Breaks

Similar to a symphony orchestra, our minds require periodic interludes to maintain mental harmony. Teaching is a mentally stimulating and demanding occupation that necessitates a constant flow of creativity, forbearance, empathy, and problem-solving skills. Over time, this fluidity may begin to diminish, resulting in mental exhaustion and decreased productivity.

Research validates the effectiveness of brain breaks, brief diversions from the current endeavor that allow the mind to rest and recharge. It's similar to pressing the reset button, as it prepares your mind to once again compose gorgeous symphonies of learning.

Creating Your Intervals: The Methods of Mental Breaks

But as the conductor of your mental orchestra, how can you schedule and utilise these pauses effectively? Let's investigate some techniques that will restore the cadence to your teaching symphony:

  • The Meditative Pause: Try a 5-minute guided meditation using popular applications such as Headspace or Calm. It is a calming interlude that prepares the mind for the next composition.

  • Fitness Pause: Engage in a brief physical activity, such as a brief stretch, a brisk walk around campus, or an enjoyable mini-workout. It not only refreshes the mind, but also adds a vivacious rhythm to your day.

  • The Resonance of Breathing : Deep, controlled breathing exercises can do miracles for reducing stress and restoring concentration. Rhythmic techniques such as box breathing create a tranquil, stress-free moment during your break.

  • Passionate Pause: What better method to take a break from work than to engage in a pastime that you enjoy? Whether it involves doodling, knitting, or a few movements on a chessboard, this break is a delightful diversion.

  • The Puzzle Pause: A crossword, Sudoku, or any other brain teaser engages a distinct part of your brain, providing a welcome change in the orchestra of your mind.

Remember that these pauses must be brief and precise, similar to a well-timed interval, to ensure that you return to your work refreshed and not more distracted.

As educators, we frequently prioritise the needs of our pupils, but in the pursuit of their harmony, we must not neglect our own. The incorporation of mental breaks into our routine is a small but significant step towards the development of a healthy and effective teaching symphony. Initially, it may appear to be an odd addition to your composition, but over time, it will play a vital role in your overall performance. Embrace therefore the power of the delay, as every successful symphony requires an interval!


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